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About Professor Tabery

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James Tabery PhD MA is a professor in the Department of Philosophy and a member of the Center for Health Ethics, Arts & Humanities at the University of Utah


An expert in medical ethics as well as the history and philosophy of science and medicine, his research focuses on issues at the intersection of science and society: the rapid spread of genetics into medicine and the criminal justice system, the nature of medical misinformation and the way it fuels conspiracy theories, the history of eugenic assaults on reproductive liberties, and the just distribution of scarce medical resources in times of emergency.

Professor Tabery is the author of dozens of journal articles, book chapters, and editorials. He has also written two books: Tyranny of the Gene: Personalized Medicine and Its Threat to Public Health, published by Alfred A. Knopf in 2023, and Beyond Versus: The Struggle to Understand the Interaction of Nature and Nurture, published by MIT Press in 2014.


Professor Tabery's research has been profiled in The New York Times, Los Angeles Times, The GuardianTime magazine, Science magazine, Scientific AmericanNational Geographic, and on National Public Radio. He received his PhD from the Department of History and Philosophy of Science and his MA from the Center for Bioethics and Health Law at the University of Pittsburgh.

A recent curriculum vitae can be found here

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